Alice Barker loved to dance from the moment she was born. As she says, dancing was all she ever wanted to do. She was born in Chicago, and left for New York City to become a dancer in her mid 20’s—which was quite a bold move for a woman in her time.
For her entire career she worked as a chorus line dancer in New York City, on Broadway and during the Harlem Renaissance of the the 1930s and 40s. She danced at clubs such as The Apollo, Cotton Club, and Zanzibar Club, where she was part of a legendary group known as the Zanzibeauts.

She also danced in numerous movies, commercials and TV shows with legends including Bill “Bojangles” Robinson, Gene Kelly, and a young Frank Sinatra.
The short musical films we found of Alice are called “soundies,” and they were among the first films that used sound. Typically a soundie would be shot in a popular night club, and feature whatever the hot performer or song was at the time. The films would be distributed in jukebox-like devices that were placed in bars, clubs and racetracks, where people could watch them for a coin.
Given this, it makes sense that Alice would never have seen any of the soundies she performed in back in the day. She saw herself on TV a handful of occasions when she was in a commercial or featured on a show, but this was way before there was any way to keep a recording of a broadcast for herself!
Alice was married twice, and never had any children. She stayed close with many of her dancing friends throughout her life and into her senior years. However an illness and prolonged hospitalization, combined with her relocation to a nursing home, lead to her losing touch with them. Unfortunately, it was simply a time and an age in life when it was a lot easier for people to lose track of each other.
Moreover, all of her photographs and memorabilia from her career had been in the lost in her multiple moves. When we met Alice, she’d not seen any images, nor been able to share anything more than her stories, in over 10 years.
Hopefully with this backstory, the depth of the impact seeing her films had on her can be appreciated even more. The attention and appreciation she received since then—from those around her every day, to people from around the country and the world—revitalized her and had her positively glowing. Always a bright spirit, she truly became a new woman.
As an added bonus of her new fame, Alice was able to reconnect with some of her dancer friends and their children, who grew up with Alice around. She had a phone conversation with a colleague she hadn’t talked to in over 20 years, there was much laughter and definitely some tears.
Alice celebrated her 103rd birthday—with a troupe of dancers coming to perform for her—on July 30th, 2015. Which was delightful for everyone involved.
Alice passed away peacefully on Wednesday, April 6th, 2016.
She spent the last day of her life in good spirits, listening to music and enjoying having her fan mail read to her by Gail.
As she often did, Alice commented again how amazed and thankful she was that people remembered her and took the time to write, “I really feel that these people care about me.”
Her fans the world over truly gave joy and meaning to the last years of her life. She was always humbled and honored that she could be an inspiration to others.
When Gail left for the day, Alice gave her a send-off wink.
And please, it’s Barker, not Baker! 😉
Amazing! What a beautiful life she has and had! I loved seeing her in the videos and her reaction to it! You are amazing Alice! Thank you for making my day!
Is she still alive?
Yes, alive and well! I’ll continue to post any news about Alice in the ‘Updates’ section.
Alice has since passed. Read more on the Updates page.
Seriously love you for sharing this! Heart warming.
Hi Dave, I just saw her video watching herself dance in the 1920s. I shared it because I’m an addict for taking pics and vids! Alice seem so amazing! I wish I met her, but now I’m sure she’s in heaven, smiling and dancing. I would love to learn more about her family❤️
My mother was Brenda Barker my grandmother’s name was also Alice Barker
Yea it’s sad we miss her
Hey there Dave, I’m a student in California and would like to know if Alice Barker is still around and well. Also, I wanted to tell you if it is ok if I get the address of where she is located! (I’d like to send her a card letting her know that I lover her to bits and that her story is amazing!) GO ALICE!
Yes, she’s alive and well! Her address is on the ‘Reach Out’ page!
Alice has since passed. Read more on the Updates page.
She died at 102 years old April 6th, 2016
Alice was 103 when she passsd away. Beautiful life.
This was posted on 2015 and it said she passed in 2016
Originally posted in 2015, and you can see comments from that time stating she was still alive. It was later updated, and you can see comments updating people that she had passed.
What was the cause of alive barkers death?
I believe her heart gave out in the end; but you can’t fault it after having gone strong for 103 years!
Yep. She lived well.
She was 103 probably just old age
Gee whiz…she was 103, what do you think, if anything at all!
No she passed away 2 years ago
No, she passed away on the April 6th 2016
Passed away April 2016 RIP
I don’t know what to believe because this was posted in 2015 and the arrival said she died in 2016…
No I think she passed away because she was 102 last I saw the video on youtube of her reacting to her dancing
She was a good women and lived a long time. I was a fan frowing up and loved the shows,i wish ahe were my sis
No sadly
Alice passed away peacefully on Wednesday, April 6th, 2016.
No, she died on wensday, April 16.
I just saw this beautiful story of this beautiful woman. Very talented extraordinary remarkable I could go on and on about how this woman lifted my spirits and it’s 2021 now. I’m just at aaawww! Truly truly amazing. Not knowing her but knowing her story now she will truly be missed.
Alice passed away peacefully on Wednesday, April 6th, 2016.
She spent the last day of her life in good spirits, listening to music and enjoying having her fan mail read to her by Gail.
She passed away in 2016 and is dancing in the heavens now!
you people there made and still making everyone’s day!
That is too very meaningful even I can’t bear to see it.
so sad that we lost her what an energetic woman.
Alice you are such a great person, and i saw your video of you dancing on youtube and your reaction and it was so amazing, you truly are a great person, i love you, because i actually do hip hop, and im 14 and you really inspire me to follow my dreams and i appreciate you so much. R.I.P Alice!
I wish we could live forever’ shame we die’
Life is To Short an will go on
Live Life to the Fullest and Enjoy
Ms. Alice is just precious! What a remarkable life she has had with so many fun and wonderful memories. God bless her! Thank you for posting the videos and her story!
Dear Alice,
I live in England and love the video of you seeing your films for the first time. I also have enjoyed watching your soundies of you dancing. You were amazing and I think you still are to be able to remember so much especially the story of you as a little girl at bath time dancing with the band in the street.
Your story has really warmed my heart. I used to work as a carer in the community and in care homes and I loved to listen to peoples stories of their lives and to me they were a living history of events over the years which history books left out. I met some wonderful people in my job and have always believed that everybody has had an interesting life and has great stories to share.
I think it’s wonderful you had the job you loved to do and when I watch you dancing you shine. Watching you dance has made me feel really happy.
It makes me feel like dancing too.
God Bless You,
With much love,
Lindsey xxxxxxx
What a beautiful little letter to Alice ❤️
Hello Alice,
I loved watching the video of you watching your old dance videos. That video honestly touched my heart. I’ve always loved sitting down and just talking with older people because I feel like I can really learn something from them. You are such a sweetheart and you are so adorable. I really hope you get to hear this comment. I hope to live up to your age. You are honestly the most adorable old women I’ve ever seen on the internet. I know I won’t end up meeting you, which is heartbreaking to know, but hopefully you get this comment to know how much I adore you.
God Bless,
What a wonderful story. Thank you for sharing with the world. How is Alice doing?
Some days are better than others, but overall she’s doing great for 103! Still enjoying all the attention!
Alice has since passed. Read more on the Updates page.
Hi, I was wondering if I could use her beautiful story for a social studies project.
That sweet of you to want to honor Ms. Barker. Hope your project went well.
I came across a video last night on YouTube titled: “102 y/o sees herself dance for the first time”. I’ve watched it four times since stumbling upon it. I’ve been dancing my whole life. Not as a profession yet, but I consider myself a dancer. I work hard for and practice constantly. Do to medical reasons I haven’t danced in the past 5 years, but last summer my illness ceased and I am able to work and dance again. I just want to say thank you Ms. Alice you have inspired me. You are so humble and the way you move and your smile while you danced, you could feel it you were meant to dance. I could feel the passion you have for dancing. It was quite overwhelming watching your video, in a good way. It just lets me know I will not loose the passion and I will always remember.
Have you guys ever thought about making a documentary or a film about her fascinating life?
A NY theatre company is working on a play!
Really that’s great, i know it’s been awhile but could you give me some updates on that?
Dear Ms.Barker: I first saw your you tube video on Friday Feb. 19, 2016. I was touched. I watch it over and over and each time I get so emotional I just begin to cry. To see the joy that comes over you as you look at your “soundies”, brings joy to others. You remind me of my own 92 year old mother. I have much love and respect for older adults as they are living history. May God bless and keep you Ms. Barker
I am studying at university and one of our assignments is of the Harlem Renaissance, looking through video’s came across this delightful lady and her extraordinary story, WOW what a lady, an inspiration and a true beauty. I just loved watching her reaction to her time as a dancer, looks like she had the time of her life. I hope Alice is keeping well and tapping those little toes. God bless you x x
Mrs Barker is such an inspiration and a living memory of those years. I hope she’s still doing well.
Dear Ms. Barker: Your videos and your reaction deeply touched me. I always get so emotional when I watch your reaction to seeing your “soundies” for the first time. I think it’s because the youth that you still contain, even at 103, in your memories and your attitude. I cherish any time spent hearing from older people, because you always contain so much wisdom and priceless memories.
Thank you for sharing yourself with the World
I enjoy watching your videos and a blessing to me as a young man to see them. In life a goal for myself is to reach an age that no man has done in the age, only GOD can make that happen. God Bless and your an true inspiartion.. God Bless.. xoxox
This story is amazing and very touching. When you lit up and started singing songs from the 30’s it reminded me of when my grandma started singing songs from the 50’s when she heard them. You’ve Lived a long time and I hope you live a lot longer. – chase
Rest in Peace, Alice. <3
Rest in peace, Alice.
Alice…if your watching me…you’ve made a beautiful history. You probably don’t know how people were inspired to dance, because of you. Thanks to you, people were blooming to dancing. Wherever you are, Rest in Peace. 🙂 ~Katrina
RIP Alice, you have touched my heart & soul. What an amazing time to be alive! You have definitely made your mark, now, may you rest in utter peace. -Laura xxx
I sincerely hope we are all able to keep her alive, to become the oldest person ever to have lived. I truly believe that we only die when there is nothing more to do. Or when the pain outweighs the joy. It can be a lesson to all.
“we only die when there is nothing more to do” – That is a very harsh and inconsiderate thing to say. You should rethink before you write offensive things like that.
Thank you for your sincere heart to keep old film alive and sharing the dancers who perform. With today’s dancers it becomes too sleezy. Alice, our Chicken Little, may the Lord bless you.
My only wish is that you are still dancing, wherever you are. Sweet dreams, angel. You will always be a light to this earth that continues to shine. Thank you for being an inspiration to so many.
R.I.P ❤
1911~∞ We love you Alice rip
Rest in peace Alice. You will be missed, I do care about you and all my family members that passed away and the pets
what a great lady! I am a 23 year old male and she gives me so much inspiration! may her story continue to reach out to others and inspire them 🙂
Amazing story! I was very touched. She was very talented and pretty. I was glad she was able to see herself back 70-80 years ago.
Incredible story of Alice; I stumbled across the video on You Tube watching herself dance during her youth from a long gone era! Wonderful; I’m so glad she had the chance to do what she loved doing: dancing! RIP Alice it’s a pity we all have to get old and die but you are an inspiration to us all!
What an absolute treasure we’ve all received by knowing about Alice’s beautiful, beautiful life. Alice, wherever you are, please know that you have touched lives and brought joyful tears. We miss you, but you keep us all shining and hopeful.
Bless you.
My gosh, I wish I could see Alice in action. Her energetic and beauty are just breath-taking and she still had that swing and sparkle in her eyes even when bed-ridden. May she rest in peace and dance to that big band music in Heaven!
Wow, I first saw this video on my recommended list on YouTube sometime last year over the summer. I watched it with my little sister (who is now 12) and we loved it! We thought Alice was a great dancer and it made both of us feel so happy when we saw her seeing herself 70 years later!! I also showed some of my friends from school this video and they loved it as well. I came back to watch this video, which was actually today, only to find some devastating news. Alice passed in April. As soon as I heard this, I rushed to this site and read what everyone had to say about Alice. She certainly lived a great life and I for sure loved her video and dancing!!
How beautiful. Alice inspires me to be who I am. She was very pretty back then! May god bless her. ~Maddie
I’ve watched the video of Ms. Barker so many times since I discovered it a year ago. It certainly brings happiness to me. Thank you.
Hey ms . Alice . You are an amazing and beautiful lady whose taught me to embrace my dancing . You have given me the strength to move on and know that it’s ok to do what you love . Thank you
R.i.p ❤️
Curious if have seen that she was born in Chicago and that she was born in new York. Which was it?
She was born in Chicago, and best we can tell moved to NYC by herself to dance professionally in her late 20s!
This video of Ms Alice made me realize that life is best lived when you follow your passion. This was so inspiring and joyful to watch.
Thanks Ms Alice. R.I.P.
Wasn’t their a documentary made about this, I think on HBO?
I was curious as to whether she had any descendants that kept in touch with her like through siblings, cousins etc.
Wonderful; actually I stumbled across the video on You Tube of Alice watching herself dance on film from over 70 years back, I think a clip from 1943, 75 years ago and an era I would have loved to have lived through although long gone now of course! Yes you could see the sparkle in her eyes even though old age zapped her at 102 yrs old! RIP Alice you were a great lady talented and beautiful and a link to a nicer simpler time full of great music!
Ms Alice will dance again.
Revelations 21:3,4.
I have a question, is there a video of Alice barker talking to her dancer friends?
is there a video of Alice talking to her friends?
Rest In Peace Miss Barker. Wish I could have met you in person. You inspire all who watch your video of you seeing your self on film for the first time !
Wow. This was amazing and warmed my heart. I wish there were more footage and pictures of her!
Jesus loves ! God bless
Alice Barker – Still inspiring in 2019!
I loved Alice from when I first watched the youtube vid four years ago. I’ve watched it several times now and still find it joyful and moving. I note you say she was born in Chicago, this site says she was born in New Orleans. As you met the lady, I assume you are right.
Alice, My grand mother was on the Titanic and survived and lived in Harlem, New York during the time you were a dancer. She loved those times.
We do!Eternal life we will have!
Such as Beautiful Story!RIP Ms Alice!
This is wonderful both historically but also by way of a pasttimers memories and sweet reminisce. Loved this. Your all so awsome bless. Xo
I first see this story as a news item on Microsoft news feed and had a look at her story, I have now rediscovered this on YouTube and see that there has been more added to the YouTube site which directs you to this website. I must say it was a delight to watch both Alice watching herself dancing and to see the old footage of her dancing back in the day. Goes to show you that dancing keeps you fit and in Alice’s life ensured she had a long life. I hope she is up there still dancing with and for the angels!
What an amazing and sweet lady. Thank you for sharing her story. May we all dance while we can before we’re confined to bed!
this was from the 1980’s she was alive then when it was 2016 she passed peacefully watching her on tape
What is the cause of death of Alice Barker ?
I’m not the first to notice, but here she is in a cameo appearance in an Edna Mae Harris ‘music video’:
I saw her video on yahoo news and her dancing when she saw herself on TV for the first time at at 102, now i am crying. Such a gorgeous soul. Rest In Peace sweetheart. From me in the UK. xx
I saw her video on yahoo news, with her watching herself on TV dancing in Clubs they said, seeing herself for the first time then at her age 102, now i have tears in my eyes because she has gone. Such a beautiful soul.
Rest In Peace Sweetheart.
From me, in the UK. xx
Alice died in her sleep after having a good time
she died in 2015
J’aime visionner des vidéos qui sortent de l’ordinaire sur YouTube. Par hasard j’ai trouvé celle sur Alice. J’ai trouvé ça super émouvant. Je trouve que vous êtes vraiment des âmes charitables d’avoir pris tout ce temps pour chercher des films d’elle et de lui avoir montré. C’est extraordinaire de voir comment elle s’anime et remonte de vieux souvenirs à la surface. Vous avez dû éclairer ses derniers jours! Vraiment remarquable et plein d’humanité. Merci d’avoir fait ça et de l’avoir partagé.
She was born in New Orleans not Chicago.
Lord Bless her soul. What a wonderful and full life she must’ve lived, doing what she’s always dreamed of doing, then being able to watch it back many years later. What a treat. Rest well, Ms. Barker. We love you!❤️
What a beautiful, loving,
witted Lady at a respectful 103. The smile on her face, shine of her eyes, seing herself on the TV for thr first time, was priceless!
I am so happy she was able to relive these dancing years, prior to her passing.
I hope she had loving people at her side and was allowed to pass to be with the Lord peacefully.
I hope she’s dancing away in the heavenly Chorusline!
Alice died from old age.
My grand mother Alberta Jackson Guillory is next to Alice 2nd from the right.
imagine having someone almost 80 years later saging hello in essense.