Harlem Renaissance

The Wikipedia article for the Harlem Renaissance is a great place to start learning about the time period and cultural movement that Alice was a part of in the beginning of her career.

Another great resource to learn about the chorus line dancers of the Harlem Renaissance is the documentary Been Rich All My Life, which features several women who Alice performed with. At one point they even hold up a photo that Alice is in!

6 thoughts on “Harlem Renaissance”

  1. You are the epitome of beauty, grace and talent, Miss Alice!

    My mother’s name is Alice and now I have another reason to be proud!

    God bless you richly,


  2. This research was so nice to read how wonderful you guys brought back to her that was buried in history that she was so passionate about..she was a great dancer too! You can tell she loved it!

  3. I absolutely loved watching this beautiful lady see herself in the talkies. The pure joy of dancing truly showed in her lovely face & smile. What a graceful woman!! Wish I could have met her & heard her stories!!! Thank you so much for sharing!!!
    RIP Miss Alice!!!

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