Reach Out

Thank you to the thousands of fans who send cards and art to Alice before her passing — as a lifelong performer, you truly gave her the greatest gift imaginable.

To reach the makers of the video and this site:

We are happy to answer questions about the video and Alice.

16 thoughts on “Reach Out”

  1. I worked at a nursing home for 13yrs as an LPN. There are so many elderly people in nursing homes and I tried as their nurse to not see them as just another disabled person with no life. I was always interested in the history they held within themselves. I became very attached to them because I got to know the person behind the illness and therefore the residents held a very special place in my heart. I am so glad to see Ms Alice just light up the way that she did as she watched herself perform. That is the look that I loved seeing on the residents when they were asked about their lives because it showed them that someone really is interested in them. This was an excellent video to see and I pray that God blesses you tremendously for giving Ms Alice part of her life back. Thank you for sharing.

  2. Gail,
    I have been an activity director for about 15 years now and what a great job you did. I try to learn all about my residents lives. This is the generation that we are taking care of that laid the foundation for us. The past 100 years more amazing things happened than any other time frame. We are blessed to take care of this generation. We should be proud of what we’re doing and not feel like we are taking care of a bunch of old people. My project is doing a DVD with them answering questions that they want to talk about and adding some old pictures and a favorite song of theirs for their family to have for years to come. And that is so time consuming. Gail, you did well! Your job as an activity director is complete! Job well done everything else you do in life is just extra.

  3. I love the video, Alice! You were beautiful then and are beautiful now! It was great to see your eyes light up and your hands keeping time with the music! Music is truly magical! Keep on dancing even if it’s only in your mind… it keeps you happy! God has truly blessed you!

  4. Simply “fabulous” what a beautiful woman and remarkable story told with such dignity and honor…Thank you for sharing this!

  5. I was wondering if Alice ever danced to music performed/conducted by Bob Zurke? He is my great uncle – died much too young, but was a popular piano player from 1936-1944. Used to play in Bob Crosby’s band as well (brother of Bing).


  6. I understand that Alice has passed. I ran into her videos today. Although Alice isn’t here she has left something precious. A woman with no family and friends that she lost contact with got to reconnect with her friends and her love for music and dancing. To the ones who helped this become possible for Alice before she passed, WOW! Tears of joy shed from my eyes while my heart began racing. I’m absolutely excited that there is humans on this sometimes lonely unkind world that will step out of their day and just give to another in need, something like their time.. No personal gain, but just because. Alice was a lucky woman to become friends with people like you.

  7. I have seen this wonderful woman on youtube! She should be very grateful to live over 100 years old!!!

    Go Alice!

    If so, I hope she lives to 106 at least, and at her funeral play the vid of her dancing to remember her memories of life!

    Thx for making this webpage, it’s inspirational!

    Good luck Alice.

  8. It is beautiful what you guys did! It is so heart warming to see how you made her feel special and loved. She was special and loved 🙂
    I wanted to send her an Australian card for her birthday, and just read that she has passed away.
    It is sad to hear, but wonderful to know that people like you spent time with her and made her feel precious 🙂
    Well done guys, this is the real value in life.

  9. A few years ago, before “102 y/o Dancer Sees Herself on Film for the First Time” video has appeared online I was preparing a dance and was searching for any information about Alice Barker. She was an inspiration for my creative dance program in school. At that time I could barely find a few videos and a handful of information. I was so surprised that there was almost nothing about Alice Barker and that amazing dance chorus she was a part of.
    I am so happy to find this video today! Thank you for your love, work and appreciation of this amazing dancer! You gave Miss Alice Barker what she has truly deserved and shared a gift with us all! Rest in Peace Alice <3

  10. Thank you for being the awesome volunteers you are. I can’t say anything better than what everyone else has said… But I do appreciate seeing this piece of history. A thousand channels… and yet we miss what is right in front of us.

    My condolences on your loss. I’m so glad she had you in her life.

  11. Currently a year into my MA in History In New Orleans and focusing on dancing women during 1920s-1930s. I am a swing dancer and jazz lover. Just came across the wonderful video of Alice watching herself. She was such a beauty and a total impish cutie. She is the woman I am researching!
    Us dancers owe it all to you. You were the hard working hot footers of the jazz age and we salute you xxx

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